Through rain, hail or shine, the good men and women of the quarry and mining industry are out providing the raw materials for so many sectors of our economy. Its time for you to step into the limelight and get some recognition for your contribution.

Enter the Plant & Civil Engineering Awards or nominate someone you feel excels or has shown outstanding innovation over the last year.  The categories are:

Plant Hire Company of the Year This Award will be presented to the organisation which offers an extensive portfolio of high quality products, flexible hire options, and respected customer service policies. Entrants should outline how their company provides a level of plant hire expertise that puts them ahead of the competition, eg: product knowledge, distribution network, prompt delivery and collection, equipment options, cost effective hiring and any unique services available.

Construction Project of the Year This award is for the company, team or individual who has demonstrated exceptional skills, expertise, design and innovation on a construction project, be it a building, a road, a utility facility or any other similar undertaking throughout the island of Ireland, Great Britain or worldwide. sponsored by tick Hardrock Quarry of the Year This Award will be presented to the individual working quarry which demonstrates safe working practices, the highest levels of pollution control, sustainability, biodiversity, operational efficiency, dedication to environmental issues, strong portfolio products and services

Innovation of the Year This category is open to all civil engineering, construction and quarrying companies who have introduced, created or invested within their operations innovative solutions that make their activities more efficient, more profitable and more successful. The innovation can range from the latest equipment and facilities to cutting edge technology or environmental solutions.

Construction Company of the Year This Award will be presented to the company or organisation who has demonstrated over the past year involvement with major or specialist projects throughout the island of Ireland, Great Britain or worldwide which illustrate high levels of skill within project management, innovation, specialist projects.

Hardrock Quarry Manager of the Year This Award will be presented to the individual working within the quarry sector in a dedicated quarry management team. He or she must demonstrate attention to safe working practice; clear management skills; pollution control, sustainability, biodiversity; examples of working under unique conditions; health and safety practices; and submit details of what makes this individual outstanding in his or her field. Customer testimonies may also be submitted. Nominations and entries are expected from individual Quarry Managers and quarry customers.

Tipper Driver of the Year This award will be presented to the tipper driver who can demonstrate a high standard of driving skills, on and off road, who has an excellent driving and health & safety record and who is dedicated to the industry.

Sand and Gravel Quarry of the Year This award will be presented to the individual working sand and gravel quarry which demonstrates safe working practices, the highest levels of pollution control and prevention, sustainability and biodiversity, together with operational efficiency, dedication to environmental issues, a good product portfolio and range of services. sponsor to be confirmed tick

Heavy Haulage Operator of the Year This Award will be presented to the heavy haulier who has operated consistently and efficiently as a significant part of the industry infrastructure, moving heavy plant, machinery and abnormal loads throughout the island of Ireland and beyond. Details of unusual contracts and how they were successfully completed and demonstrate high levels of planning and co-operation with the relevant public authorities.

Sand and Gravel Quarry Manager of the Year This award is given to the sand and gravel quarry manager who has demonstrated attention to health & safety issues, clear management skills and techniques, pollution control and prevention, biodiversity and sustainability. Examples can be given of working under extreme or unusual conditions, together with details of what makes this individual outstanding in his/her field.

Innovation of the Year This category is open to all civil engineering, construction and quarrying companies who have introduced, created or invested within their operations innovative solutions that make their activities more efficient, more profitable and more successful. The innovation can range from the latest equipment and facilities to cutting edge technology or environmental solutions.

Construction Company of the Year This Award will be presented to the company or organisation who has demonstrated over the past year involvement with major or specialist projects throughout the island of Ireland, Great Britain or worldwide which illustrate high levels of skill within project management, innovation, specialist projects. Customer testimonies may also be submitted.

Hardrock Quarry Manager of the Year This Award will be presented to the individual working within the quarry sector in a dedicated quarry management team. He or she must demonstrate attention to safe working practice; clear management skills; pollution control, sustainability, biodiversity; examples of working under unique conditions; health and safety practices; and submit details of what makes this individual outstanding in his or her field. Customer testimonies may also be submitted. Nominations and entries are expected from individual Quarry Managers and quarry customers.

Fleet Management Company of the Year This award is open to contractors operating any size of plant, machinery or truck fleet, plant hire outlets or other fleet focused businesses within the construction sector. Entrants should be able to demonstrate how they have employed telematics systems or other technologies to efficiently manage, monitor and protect their assets and operators, both on and off site.

Health & Safety Award This Award will be presented to the company who demonstrates best health and safety management practices in the plant, quarry and construction industries. The company must have implemented detailed health and safety measures that incorporate a high level of management and workforce involvement. The company must demonstrate how it assigns H&S responsibilities and maintains competence across its organisation.

Specialist Contractor of the Year This category is open to contractors involved in any sector of the industry, including Civil Engineering, Highways, Quarrying, Utilities, Construction and Groundworks. The award will be presented to the contractor who has successfully demonstrated or employed specialist, individual, unique, and/or innovative skills on any project or scheme within the last 12 months.

Civil Engineering Company of the Year This Award will be presented to the organisation who can report on successful involvement within a wide variety of civil engineering projects including planning, construction and maintenance of fixed structures or public works throughout the island of Ireland, Great Britain, or worldwide. The information provided should demonstrate high levels of skill within project management, procurement, innovation and specialist projects.

Heavy Haulage Operator of the Year This Award will be presented to the heavy haulier who has operated consistently and efficiently as a significant part of the industry infrastructure, moving heavy plant, machinery and abnormal loads throughout the island of Ireland and beyond. Details of unusual contracts and how they were successfully completed and demonstrate high levels of planning and co-operation with the relevant public authorities. Customer testimonies can be included in this entry.

High Achiever of the year This category is for the individual or company that has achieved outstanding success such as in sales, contract wins, company expansion / development or other areas of business over the past 12 months. It is open to any individual or company currently active in the construction, civil engineering, quarrying and plant & machinery sectors. The winner must highlight the area in which they operate, level and type of achievement, and outline any relevant factors or reasons that contributed to that success. H

The judges are looking for excellence, outstanding qualities or contributions, unrivalled service and innovation, individuals and organisations who have gone the extra mile – so demonstrate all of that in your entry; make it stand out from the rest!


Ormonde Machinery will be there on the night, decked out in our finest, looking forward to a good night of fun and banter with our colleagues across the country. We are proud sponsors of the Hard Rock Quarry of the Year Award, so looking forward to hearing who scoops the prize.

For more information and to enter please see